Boudoir Photoshoot Outfit Ideas

Being a boudoir photographer for 5 years I have had the chance to photograph a LOT of different types of lingerie. With that knowledge I can help you decide on the perfect outfit for your boudoir photoshoot. There are a few main things to consider when deciding on what to bring to your photoshoot!

Let me lay it all out for you;

First, Baby dolls, Jersey’s & Corsets DON’T photograph well! I would avoid these pieces if you can. If you’re absolutely set on having a jersey I would consider it in a t-shirt instead, this will not only photograph better but will be more flattering on all body types.

Next, purchase lingerie in your proper size. Showing up to your photoshoot in properly fitted lingerie will have you feeling like the confident badass you are 👏🏼 When lingerie is too small it creates “bulges” that can occasionally lower you confidence as you may feel uncomfortable.

Last, you will want to consider different styles of lingerie such as two pieces, bodysuits, etc. You will also want to consider the colour! Are you doing a themed boudoir photoshoot? If so, what lingerie will match that themed? If you are doing it for yourself, what draws your attention the most? No matter what colour or style it’s best to make sure you feel good in what you’re in!

There is one last thing I want to touch on before I recommend a bunch of different boudoir outfit ideas; loose t-shirts, long socks and messy hair are all stunning! You don’t necessarily need lingerie for your boudoir photoshoot. Heck, getting nakey is a wonderful way to capture your beauty.

Two Piece Lingerie Sets

Two piece lingerie is a wonderful choice if you’re someone who doesn’t love the look of a bodysuit. These sets often fit all body types and come in various different sizes, colours and styles! If you’re wanting to embrace your midriff this is a great option to do so.

Below are some of my personal favourite two piece lingerie sets that would photograph amazingly and look great on!

One Piece & Bodysuit Lingerie

Bodysuits and one piece lingerie is an awesome option for your boudoir photoshoot if you feel more comfortable in lingerie that covers the midriff and love handles. This covers more of your body which can make people feel more comfortable during their photoshoot! I always suggest to my clients who may be a bit nervous to start with a bodysuit.

Below are some of my favourites to photograph that also look amazing on!

Extra’s & Accessories

I hope this helped you decide on what to bring to your boudoir photoshoot for lingerie and accessories! There are so many more amazing pieces of lingerie you could bring to your boudoir photoshoot but I have found these to be some of my all time favourites that not only look amazing on but also photograph beautifully.

Don’t have your boudoir photoshoot booked yet?

With years of experience I can ensure you an amazing experience along with a safe, comfortable and supportive environment.

Get in touch below to get more information about a boudoir photoshoot at Allie Knull’s Photography studio in Edmonton, Ab


Healing with a Boudoir Photoshoot


Preparing For Your Boudoir Photoshoot