Healing with a Boudoir Photoshoot

Boudoir photography can be apart of your healing process. It's a process that helps women find their own sense of empowerment. A process where women learn to love themselves as much as others love them, if not more. Boudoir photography is much more than just putting up some lingerie, posing and getting a nice picture. It's about creating your own fairy tale and getting that picture of yourself that you've always wanted.

It can be easy to think that boudoir is only sexy and fun, but there’s something deeper and more revealing in the sessions and it’s this that I love most.

We are all unique and complex human beings, with our own stories to tell. When we fully accept ourselves as who we are, flaws and all, we become empowered! This journey of self-discovery is one that I wholeheartedly encourage every woman to take. It may sound scary at first but you will find strength you never knew you had.

And yes…the photos are really FUN too! After your photo shoot you will see yourself in a way you could never imagine - stunningly beautiful and radiant. Your images will leave you feeling like a super model because truthfully, you are one!

Boudoir is an incredibly intimate experience, in the literal sense of the word; these are very personal moments, allowing yourself to be completely vulnerable and show your true self and what you are feeling in that moment.

The biggest misconception about boudoir photography is that it’s just for women who want to look sexy. In reality, you can show off your sexiness without being naked or even showing any skin at all!

I haven’t met one woman who feels 100% confident all the time - but we sure can fake it pretty well. I specialize in making my clients feel like their most beautiful selves so they can walk away from their session knowing how beautiful they truly are and how valuable they really are. I want every woman to leave our session feeling empowered, renewed and refreshed.

This is one way for women to connect with themselves and rediscover who they truly are.

I have seen women come in to my studio from a place of feeling disconnected from their sexuality, and their feminine essence. They walk out feeling joyful, empowered, and so impressed with themselves. I also work with women who already embrace their femininity and sensuality but are interested in an experience that will allow them to connect even more deeply with themselves.

I believe it is important to learn how to love ourselves first before we can share that same love with others. Boudoir photography can be a wonderful way to remind us of our own beauty, grace, power, and womanhood!


You are so much more than your mistakes, your scars, your anxiety. When these things stick with you, when they turn into who you think you are, that's when you need a boost. Boudoir photography isn't for everyone, but it has helped millions of women rediscover their beauty and self worth. It comes with the understanding that it's not about the picture hanging on your wall; it's about something more powerful than that- it's about love, it's about looking at yourself in a mirror and seeing something beautiful. It softens the parts of you that want to be harsh. Stand up every morning and look your best before you try to put your best foot forward. The way you treat yourself matters- how could anyone else possibly know how to treat you right? The only thing holding us back is yourself - believe in the power of the "you" that is within you now. Believe in your voice, believe in your beautiful body, and most importantly BELIEVE IN YOURSELF! I hope these words help you heal in some small way

Are you ready or considering your own boudoir photoshoot? The hardest part is booking your experience but I am here to help make the process as pleasant and easy as possible! Inquire at the bottom of the blog post to get booked in or to receive further info.

Either way,

I hope you enjoy these boudoir photographs that embrace femininity and self-love below

Ready to book or want more information?

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